Wednesday 17 October 2007

The end of personal responsability

According to a new report obesity is not the fault of individuals.
I am overweight, is this due to the governments inaction? No it is because I really like pies and beer and find exercise boring. I'm not even in general that unhealthy an eater, I try and have salads for lunch most work days but on occasions I just want a big juicy burger. When I am cooking at home I again try and have balanced meals, with health ingredients, but there are times when the phrase "pan fried in butter" is impossible to resist. Given that I already read the ingredients, count the calories, lookout for saturates, what do people expect the government to do? Ban butter? I am fat almost because I want to be, I might not like being tubby, but I am the only one who can do anything to change it.
If the government has a role it is in educating parents and putting more money into nutritious school food to help kids get a good start, but they can leave my pies alone.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Tony's Blog likely refers to an online platform or website where someone named Tony shares personal insights, experiences, or content on various topics. It could cover anything from hobbies to professional advice, depending on Tony's interests. It suggests a shift in focus from personal accountability to external factors or societal structures. This concept can be debated in discussions on social, legal, or political issues.
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