Friday, 5 October 2007

Writer's Un-block

I have been trying to work through a (hopefully temporary) hatred of writing prose so I am thinking through different ways to break the deadlock. Firstly I have dug out an old pad of paper and I am making notes on my daily tram journeys to and from work. There are problems with this, one my longhand is virtually unreadable even by me, secondly I find it quite difficult to write a lot of the sort of things I tend to write about without the delights of the internet as a research tool; even when all the electronic jiggery pokery I currently own for trying to make me feel in touch with the world at all times is in full working order it is difficult to juggle it all on my lap with the pad while on a tram.
First up is trying to put together a comprehensive definition of my political outlook on life. Having been put in a pigeon hole I am not 100% I exactly fit in I am now trying to work out the exact shape of the box where I do belong. Or maybe I'll try and concrete my current thoughts on opinion polling.
It is also nice to see that Simon Hughes agrees with me that elections shouldn't be called on a whim.

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