Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Delicious links 10 May 2010

Our MPs don't represent us: another way of looking at the figures | openDemocracy
@thegreatgonzo Our MPs don't represent us: another way of looking at the figures, Alex Parsons: I've been working ... http://bit.ly/cbn9w9
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/13754769166
Humble Indie Bundle adds Samorost 2, teases source code release - Boing Boing
@thegreatgonzo Humble Indie Bundle adds Samorost 2, teases source code release:

There's only just under 30 hours... http://bit.ly/aEbfGJ
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/13734554124
Liberal Conspiracy Liberal Democrats: the clue is in the name
"So, it looks like a deal is on the table and is now subject to the democratic processes of the Lib Dems" http://bit.ly/cUNEFz
Jack of Kent: Paul Chambers Found Guilty
RT @jackofkent: Paul Chambers has been found Guilty #twitterjoketrial http://bit.ly/abQ0g0
The Elected Class of 2010
@thegreatgonzo - class of 2010 report.. http://www.theclassof2010.co.uk
Andy Trickett (andytrickett) http://twitter.com/andytrickett/statuses/13724746386
theoriginofthe lt;blink gt;tag (www)
RT @fanf: http://dotat.at/:/WFRC9 - The origin of HTML's blink tag.
RT @mysociety: The Late, Great Chris Lightfoot still lending a hand at this election. How do Lab/Lib/Con supporters overlap? http://bit. ...
RT @mysociety: The Late, Great Chris Lightfoot still lending a hand at this election. How do Lab/Lib/Con supporters overlap? http://bit. ...
Theatre Marketing: Twitter | A Younger Theatre
RT @jakeyoh: Out of getting frustrated with theatre/arts organisations not using twitter correctly I have made a Top 10 Do's/Don'ts http ...
Request Registration: BNF.org
@jago_klepto Intravenous Anaesthetic http://bit.ly/cWb8L9 #suchtweet
UK Election: Facts and figures on the fragmentation of the UK | openDemocracy
@thegreatgonzo UK Election: Facts and figures on the fragmentation of the UK, Gerry Hassan: A vast amount of energ... http://bit.ly/a7cX8z
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/13719228381

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