Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Delicious links 31 May 2010

Europe should protect Italy's freedom of speech | Benedetta Brevini | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
@thegreatgonzo Europe should protect Italy's freedom of speech | Benedetta Brevini: The EU has dismissed Berluscon... http://bit.ly/9Kd0ra
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/15139158305
Woman sues Google after being hit by a car while using walking directions - Boing Boing
@thegreatgonzo Woman sues Google after being hit by a car while using walking directions: A woman named Lauren Ros... http://bit.ly/aLdQCN
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/15139157255
McRefugees in Shanghai find refuge in fast food joints - Boing Boing
@thegreatgonzo McRefugees in Shanghai find refuge in fast food joints:

Shanghaiist points us to an interesting a... http://bit.ly/cVP79l
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/15139154717
Argleton: A story of maps, maths and motorways Chocolate and Vodka
@thegreatgonzo Argleton: A story of maps, maths and motorways: It s a wee bit nerve-wrecking, but I have finally s... http://bit.ly/akvWZI
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/15139149868
Random Acts Of Reality :: Wakeup
@thegreatgonzo Wakeup: For the past four or five months I have been coasting at work. It's not really my fault, it... http://bit.ly/9aQXIO
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/15139145339
UK Postcodes | Open data for postcodes
Linkage: Open data for postcodes >> UK Postcodes http://bit.ly/dhbNjY #fb
Charles Arthur (charlesarthur) http://twitter.com/charlesarthur/statuses/15136978569
In Perspective: Visualizing the BP Oil Disaster
Holy crap! See the BP oil disaster overlaid on a map centred on your home town http://bit.ly/9wygGw

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