Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Delicious links 28 Sep 2010

Edward Miliband MP, Doncaster North (
RT @CharlotteGore: Ed Miliband's voting record. Judge for yourself his record on Civil Liberties. (with thanks to ...
There Was Definitely A Point During That Stoning Where We All Thought, 'Is This Weird?' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
RT @TimHarford: "The Onion" covers stoning - It's not funny at all, but you should read it. << Painful to read in fact
Joe's Extra Bold Blog: That Ed Milliband speech in full
That Ed Milliband speech in full "Locking up innocent people undermined the good things we did like the database state"
Open Rights Group | The ACS Law leak shows that the Digital Economy Act carries huge privacy risks
@thegreatgonzo The ACS Law leak shows that the Digital Economy Act carries huge privacy risks: Unwarranted private...
TCK GR (tckgr)

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