Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Delicious links 20 Dec 2010

RT @qwghlm: Holy shit. There's a Qu'ran written in Saddam Hussein's blood, and no one knows what to do with it now http://j.mp/eSQb94
The Day After and Other Stories by Wil Wheaton in Literature amp; Fiction
RT @warrenellis: Oh, interesting: Wil Wheaton's new book, available on paper for only 10 days: http://bit.ly/dY0YBh
The GIST Hub | Groups | The GIST Lab | Home
@thegreatgonzo by which of course I meant http://thegisthub.net/groups/gistlab ... doh!
The GIST Foundation (gistwire) http://twitter.com/gistwire/status/16897308041936896
@thegreatgonzo no plans for #gistlab to be open until the new year now. Which reminds me, I should update the http://bit.ly/groups/gistlab
@thegreatgonzo no plans for #gistlab to be open until the new year now. Which reminds me, I should update the http://bit.ly/groups/gistlab
The GIST Foundation (gistwire) http://twitter.com/gistwire/status/16897123400294401
Pong | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Pong in the National Media Museum's games lounge http://flic.kr/p/93nsAj
BBC News - Internet porn block 'not possible' say ISPs
"Unfortunately, It's technically not possible to completely block this stuff" http://bbc.in/g5lMnA
php.webmaster: Enquiry md5
RT @s_bergmann: One unit of MD5, please: http://news.php.net/php.webmaster/9742
BBC News - How do you de-ice a plane?
@cdhunte0 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-12041285
YouTube - Cleanternet - for a cleaner and safer Internet - cleanternet.org
Cleanternet - for a cleaner and safer Internet http://youtu.be/RkmcupFx3FQ (via @zoeimogen and @graphiclunarkid; FAO @edvaizey
British Library Maps Evolution of English, Contribute Your Accent by Reading Mr. Tickle Aloud
RT @danslee: Oh, fantastic! Map your accent for the British Library with the Mr Men (via @timesjoanna @proactivepaul) http://cot.ag/hPzdWU
@thegreatgonzo magnucillon RT SashaThumper16: Ms_JP Love you too! "We got no choice!" gt; lol sure don't!! http://igjo.crr.si/g9S4S
@thegreatgonzo magnucillon RT SashaThumper16: Ms_JP Love you too! "We got no choice!"> lol sure don't!! http://igjo.crr.si/g9S4S
mack hagan (SiefOlen) http://twitter.com/SiefOlen/status/16760403128229888

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