Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Delicious links 27 Dec 2010

Yfrog Photo : yfrog.com/h8cp3omj - Shared by VaughanCricket
RT @VaughanCricket: Rickys conversation... http://yfrog.com/h8cp3omj
The Physiology of Foie: Why Foie Gras is Not Unethical | Serious Eats
Can Foie Gras be ethical? Still not convinced http://bit.ly/dGFShF
What lies ahead: Data - O'Reilly Radar
@thegreatgonzo What lies ahead: Data: Tim O'Reilly recently offered his thoughts and predictions for a variety o... http://bit.ly/gRG7Jk
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/status/19466453660999680
Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter
RT @grantimahara: Awesome #DoctorWho nesting dolls made by @Molly23! http://twitpic.com/3k3tdx #multitalentedmuch?

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