Friday, 4 February 2011

Delicious links 03 Feb 2011

The Full McBain Movie Hidden Across Multiple Simpsons Episodes | Splitsider
So it turns out if you put all the McBain clips in the Simpsons back-to-back you get a coherent plot arc
Chris Applegate (qwghlm)
Dave Curtis: Review of Medicines Act 1968: Informal consultation on issues relating to the product licences of right (PLR) regime and homeopathy
RT @denny: Professor and Consultant Psychiatrist @DaveCurtis314 responds to #homeopathy licensing consultation: #woo #yeah
HOW TO: Read The Daily Without an iPad
RT @chrisdymond: HOW TO: Read The Daily Without an iPad, For Free < sometimes I can't figure #Murdoch's strate ...
Yfrog Photo : - Shared by bengoldacre
RT @dnotice: RT @bengoldacre: Valentines set menu, minimum 2 people. Yeah take that single people <- Threes ...
Space stasis: What the strange persistence of rockets can teach us about innovation. - By Neal Stephenson - Slate Magazine
RT @kevinmarks: Neal Stephenson essay on why space rockets are like coal power: (ta @anselm)
RT @andyd: Here I am with the other Euro guys, Axel, and the very final /8. :-)
RT @andyd: Here I am with the other Euro guys, Axel, and the very final /8. :-)
Supreme Court welcomes tweeters UK Human Rights Blog
British Courts skip 20th Century and enter 21st as Supreme Court welcomes tweeters

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