Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Delicious links 07 Mar 2011

University of Sheffield Alumni's Photos - Wall Photos | Facebook
Pop Tarts Reunited fills me with many, very mixed, feelings http://on.fb.me/hnSiyG
LinkedGov Data HackCamp
RT @LinkedGov: Announcing... LinkedGov HackCamp! 9-10 Apr, with clean, new #opendata. Tickets to be released 10 Mar at 10:00AM. http:// ...
adf.ly - shrink your URLs and get paid!
@thegreatgonzo you need this http://adf.ly/hjOe?=mti1 :-D
Ronni Bresko (RonniBresko8167) http://twitter.com/RonniBresko8167/status/44771804786589696
EQUALS? - Join the big inequality debate
RT @DavidGArnold: International Womens Day.....how Equal are we ? New short James Bond film lets you know some facts http://www.weareequ ...
When Twitter asks the difficult questions - www.ilicco.com
RT @ilicco: When Twitter asks the difficult questions http://ilic.co/ga5MyH
UK Indymedia - Wikileaks Scandal Hits Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo
@thegreatgonzo Wikileaks Scandal: paraguayan president Fernando Lugo is an United States Agent

Matrix Martiria (MatrixWikileak) http://twitter.com/MatrixWikileak/status/44744861668216832
Who runs the internet? Wikileaks, piracy and censorship | Facebook
Event in Sheffield 12/03 Who runs the internet? Wikileaks, piracy and censorship http://on.fb.me/ekAGZo @DrEvanHarris @jimkillock others
You wouldn t do this to a dog - honestlyreal
RT @glynmoody: You wouldn t do this to a dog - http://bit.ly/gURwD9 how not to do simple local government transactions
Tony's Blog: The BBC is risking its reputation
Tony's Blog: The BBC is risking its reputation. Or how Showsec and See stopped us seeing the Doctor Who Experience http://bit.ly/h3hwPO
Twitter Trends in Sheffield, United Kingdom - Trendsmap
RT @TrendsSheffield: Interesting North, @intnorth is now trending in #Sheffield http://trendsmap.com/gb/sheffield
Microsoft s Former CTO Takes On Modernist Cuisine | Magazine
RT @dansumption: Wow. Microsoft s Former CTO manages to out-Heston Heston, by cooking his chips using ultrasound: http://j.mp/ghFREz /vi ...
the culture vulture Hey pie lovers!
RT @LuHarper: Who likes pie and going to the theatre? We've got a pair of tickets 4 Sweeney Todd http://bit.ly/eLryTX @culturevultures @ ...
Tim Harford Article The economics of urinal cakes
RT @TimHarford: Urinal cakes and the "broken window" fallacy. Dear Economist is back! http://goo.gl/ErqlE

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