Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Delicious links 28 Mar 2011

Ricky Ponting to stand down | thetelegraph.com.au
Australian Telegraph reporting Ricky Ponting to stand down http://bit.ly/gTJVCF
Tomorrow's Independent front page - "Royal bonfire ... on Twitpic
RT @DickMandrake: RT @A_Close_Friend: Tomorrow's Independent front page http://twitpic.com/4edk77 < It's like Labour never left office!!!
Free to protest? I can still be arrested if my placard reads: 'Nick Clegg, oh dear' | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian
Free to protest? I can still be arrested if my placard reads: 'Nick Clegg, oh dear' | George Monbiot http://bit.ly/eN6OKx
Major UK demonstrations and protests listed: which one was biggest? | News | guardian.co.uk
@sunny_hundal apart from the Stop the War coalition and the Countryside Alliance http://bit.ly/fLvI6b
Fukt.tv Warehouse duel Knockout
@thegreatgonzo knockout? RT @Fukt_tv http://fukt.tv/humour/warehouse-duel-knockout
Shannan Amari (Shannanjxjqh) http://twitter.com/Shannanjxjqh/status/52361823680331776
Home : Oxford English Dictionary
violence, n. The exercise of physical force so as to inflict injury on, or cause damage to, persons or property http://bit.ly/hi8dOj
Home : Oxford English Dictionary
@PennyRed you have done some great reporting this weekend, but on this you are wrong. http://bit.ly/hi8dOj
News releases 2011
RT @sheffielduni: We've opened a dedicated @lawsheffield centre offering free legal advice to the local community http://goo.gl/upCAA #s ...

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