Tuesday 23 June 2009

Very disappointed in the Sheffield Star

Of course they couldn't have said anything as it would have diluted the anger and upset of a local woman that sells papers but, I am still disappointed.

They know that the response to:

The whole thing is a mess, why hasn't this been publicised? The last time there was a number change it was drummed into us for a year.

is "yes dear, you were told for a year that the code was changing to 0114 and that numbers under that would eventually start with all possible numbers not just 2, that is the whole point, we get more numbers in Sheffield" and the reason the Star know this? They will have been paid an extraordinary amount of money running full page adverts for months about the switch over. Perhaps Ofcom should take a little of the blame, they could possibly have avoided this by not using the two hundred thousand block first as I believe this re-enforced the confusion amongst the masses of people who find telephone numbers to be overly complicated.

The other thing they decided not to report is that these numbers started getting allocated in 2004, so are hardly "new".


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kevinnelson said...

The Sheffield Star's handling of the telephone number change controversy is criticized for lack of information dissemination and lack of context. The author questions the newspaper's response to the public outcry, questioning the role of Ofcom and the historical context of the issue. A more balanced approach could have alleviated the confusion and frustration. abogado de derecho de familia