Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Delicious links 19 Apr 2010

Air Passengers' Rights
RT @clarinette02: Air passengers rights for flights TO of FROM EU valid for EU/non EU citizens: check your rights - http://bit.ly/7lYdt9
Iain Dale's Diary: History of the Swingometer
@thegreatgonzo History of the Swingometer: The BBC has just launched a great webpage showing the history of the Sw... http://bit.ly/dhmqXb
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/12469985448
BBC - BBC Radio 4 Programmes - Subjects
Radio 4 Programmes by subject matter http://bit.ly/duadZk
BBC News - Labour's 'votes for paedophiles' leaflet sparks row
"Do you want convicted murderers, rapists and paedophiles to be given the vote?" http://bit.ly/9ICFXG Yes (hint it is *universal* suffrage)
Londoner's Diary | Evening Standard
Simon Singh's lawyer Robert Dougans quoted in today's Londoners Diary ;-) http://bit.ly/9cQfV8 #SinghBCA
Allen Green (jackofkent) http://twitter.com/jackofkent/statuses/12460949597
So you need to choose a typeface - http://julianhansen.com/files/infographiclarge_v2.png
So you need to choose a typeface - http://julianhansen.com/files/infographiclarge_v2.png
Simon Holcombe (OllyAitch) http://twitter.com/OllyAitch/statuses/12458724515
Big Data Analytics: From Data Scientists to Business Analysts - O'Reilly Radar
@thegreatgonzo Big Data Analytics: From Data Scientists to Business Analysts: The growing popularity of Big Data... http://oreil.ly/aRbwmc
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/12452275020
About My Vote, produced by The Electoral Commission
RT @AIannucci: I'll go on till my bowels burst about how important it is you vote.Today's last day to register. here's link http://tinyu ...
BBC - World Tonight: Haiti update
@thegreatgonzo Haiti update: I suggested on this blog back in January that Haiti might be better off as the 51st s... http://bit.ly/9rM84W
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/12429022146

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