Thursday 13 May 2010

Delicious links 12 May 2010

BBC - Web Developer: BBC Homepage: Clock
RT @WeTechnoPhobia: The BBC clock is back. And the big news is #flash has gone. Its now bang up-to-date, using #html5 #canvas. Details: ...
Liberal Conspiracy Exclusive: Was this the Con-Lib agreement?
Claims this could be the agreement:
IPS - Identity cards
@ashleymoran @graphiclunarkid the "National Identity Register" is for the chop as well
10 reasons to be cheerful about Dave's new Coalition of the Unwilling Telegraph Blogs
Some thoughts on the coalition from both sides, not sure who I side with here *cough*
Duncan Borrowman
Some thoughts on the coalition from both sides, not sure who I side with here *cough*
Sir Ian 'Gandalf' McKellen mistaken for homeless, given a dollar - Boing Boing
Sir Ian McKellen mistaken for homeless, given a dollar
Museums Sheffield | What's On
RT @MuseumSheffield: Squeeze a bit more culture from your lunchbreak tomorrow with a free tour of Writers of Influence at Graves Gallery ...

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