Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Delicious links 17 May 2010

FT.com / UK - Fifa tackles bid team on Triesman gaffe
@Stubbs this suggests they are investigating that as well http://bit.ly/a8ui9J
YouTube - 8-bit Starcraft
RT @kelly_plusnet: 8-bit Starcraft: http://bit.ly/bcdCao Awesome :D
@thegreatgonzo Linda Stone on email apnea and continuous partial attention: Avi sez, "Linda Stone, who coined the... http://bit.ly/cyzbuk
@thegreatgonzo Linda Stone on email apnea and continuous partial attention:
Avi sez, "Linda Stone, who coined the... http://bit.ly/cyzbuk
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/14168707314
The 55% law can be repealed | Fergal Davis | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
The 55% law can be repealed http://bit.ly/beKgBV
The true story. Treasure Island - with women. And kittens. But it still starts with the Admiral Benbow inn. http://bit.ly/thecompany
The true story. Treasure Island - with women. And kittens. But it still starts with the Admiral Benbow inn. http://bit.ly/thecompany
Sheffield Independent Film - Press Release
RT @Ralph_Razor RT @JillTheobald Save Sheffield Independent Film - sign dah petition http://www.sifmedia.org.uk/
sheffieldblog (sheffieldblog) http://twitter.com/sheffieldblog/statuses/14157195324
Is This The Best Lift In London? - Londonist
Is this the best lift/elevator in London? http://bit.ly/baZAf2
Londonist (Londonist) http://twitter.com/Londonist/statuses/14157183779
Sheffield councillor vows to stays independent - The Star
RT @ShefVotes: It looks like the Lib Dems may continue to run SCC with support on a confidence and supply basis http://bit.ly/d0WQxR
Same old lefties Enemies of Reason
New by me: Same old lefties http://bit.ly/9vtjeM
antonvowl (antonvowl) http://twitter.com/antonvowl/statuses/14151589198
Special report: Living in denial - New Scientist
Special report: Living in denial - New Scientist http://bit.ly/cZjKxI
BBC - Oliver Brett's Blog: England player ratings
@thegreatgonzo England player ratings: Never again will we wonder why Geoff Boycott and Mike Brearley opened the b... http://bit.ly/crDJQE
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/14150440791
Photo of the Crucible in 1970 and 2010 Sheffield blog
Updated: photos comparing 1970s Sheffield and the city centre today http://bit.ly/b86lCW
sheffieldblog (sheffieldblog) http://twitter.com/sheffieldblog/statuses/14149349294
Science, Reason and Critical Thinking: Science, Reason, Critical Thinking and Bacon Butties
RT @jackofkent: My friend @Crispian_Jago on the vegetarianism vs bacon sandwich problem: http://bit.ly/aNeXn2
Know your I/O - SysAdmin1138 Expounds
Interesting article on disk I/O I bookmarked a while back and may have already shared: http://bit.ly/know-your-io
Martin Gleadow (mgleadow) http://twitter.com/mgleadow/statuses/14147844618

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