Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Delicious links 12 Jul 2010

Flickr: Explore photos from thegreatgonzo's Geek Beers II set on the map
Geek Beers II pub map http://bit.ly/aNmYqC
Social Media Employee Policy Examples from Over 100 Organizations | Social Media Today
Social Media Employee Policy Examples from Over 100 Organizations | Social Media Today: http://bit.ly/a5gNCo
Community Roundtable (TheCR) http://twitter.com/TheCR/statuses/18355999878
RT @bengoldacre: ooh unseemly, @gillianmckeith hurls abuse at internet random http://bit.ly/bfng7u haha and says my book is LIES, libel ...
Iceland aims to become a legal safe haven for journalists | Media | The Guardian
@thegreatgonzo Iceland aims to become a legal safe haven for journalists: Icelandic Modern Media Initiative would ... http://bit.ly/aeWghk
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/18345499760
BBC - dot.Rory: Martha's manifesto
@thegreatgonzo Martha's manifesto: Who could argue with a plan to get 10 million people online to enjoy the social... http://bit.ly/93KdIW
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/18345498936
Kill the cull, not Wales's badgers | Brian May | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
@thegreatgonzo Kill the cull, not Wales's badgers | Brian May: Despite no scientific evidence that bovine TB is tr... http://bit.ly/cpn4FF
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/18345498183
Reprieve Holly Wood to become the latest victim of Alabama's underfunded justice system
RT @ReprieveUK: Alabama to execute prisoner with IQ of just 59 on 2nd September this year http://bit.ly/bygmDB
STFU, Believers, daytheist: (via ziltoidia) Daytheist: I love...
RT @OllyAitch: No, Islam doesn't believe that Jesus was the Messiah ~ http://tinyurl.com/33fep8u
Charlie Brooker | Twilight's sulky vampires are less frightening than a knitted cushion | Comment is free | The Guardian
@katekarnage do you own "Martin, directed by zombie supremo George Romero in 1977" http://bit.ly/bzqCMO
Trans identity | Lynne Featherstone
RT @lfeatherstone: New blog: Trans identity http://bit.ly/a9UGuU << Read the comments as well as the post.

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